Sunday, November 29, 2009


Author :- Jaymala

African-American scientists and inventors have been a mainstay in American history since the inception of this country.

Black men like
patriarch Bannek
er, adventurer Latimer, and Percy Julian played important roles in the advancement of technology and medicine in American History.

Yet, in so many instances investigative searches for information on black inventors and scientist who contributed to American scientific developments is difficult to obtain and not sufficiently recorded in government and scholarly libraries.

One way to protect the legacy of African American invention and scientific achievements is by the use of the recent day world panoramic web.

By black
scientist and inventors business (recording) their patents, articles, and publications on various web-based sites such information will be easily retrievable when the names and work of these inventors are searched.

Distributing our research results, patents, articles, and publications throughout the world panoramic scheme will attain it virtually impossible for our accomplishments and achievements to be lost, misplaced, or in some instances only neglected which all likewise ofttimes occurs at government or scholarly institutions.

I encourage all black scientist and inventors to follow suit such that our scientific achievements will not be lost in the annals of history and our legacies will not become a topic of scholarly debate in the 21st century.

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